These are some pictures of me with my friends Brody and Tanner.
Brody is a huge guy 5' ?'' . He has bright orange hair and has glasses. Brody is a nise guy so don't let his size fool you. Brody is about 2 times my size and deffinetly twice my weight. He is a nerd like most of my freinds,but his size, strength and age say differnet.
Tanner has blond hair and a big smile. He is tall and skiny, loves video games like me (except I'm short) Tanner is very quiet and loves listining to stories.
This is a friend I don't have a picture of.
Devin is obsesive of video games (like Halo3)and loves to play them (like Halo3). He also loves to play in his yard with wooden swords (he is crazy!-..-).
Brody is a huge guy 5' ?'' . He has bright orange hair and has glasses. Brody is a nise guy so don't let his size fool you. Brody is about 2 times my size and deffinetly twice my weight. He is a nerd like most of my freinds,but his size, strength and age say differnet.
Tanner has blond hair and a big smile. He is tall and skiny, loves video games like me (except I'm short) Tanner is very quiet and loves listining to stories.
This is a friend I don't have a picture of.
Devin is obsesive of video games (like Halo3)and loves to play them (like Halo3). He also loves to play in his yard with wooden swords (he is crazy!-..-).